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Press For Change Publishing is a publishing company with a difference. Our products are about making a change or a difference of some kind. Not necessarily in a political or social way, but also by doing something differently.

Press For Change Publishing is launching a new imprint for Young Adults. The new imprint will include novels BY Young Adults and also novels and non fiction that take a fresh approach to writing for Young Adults. The first two titles in the imprint are available: The 473rd Witch Trials and The Taming of the Drew. We are actively seeking submissions – please see our About page for how to submit to us.

We are launching a new cookbook late in 2013 for people who want to be considerate of their guests dietary needs when they entertain. The Considerate Host will feature advice and recipes for entertaining people with all kinds of allergies and dietary restrictions from vegetarian to gluten intolerance. We have a small preliminary cookbook available – Considerate Host: Holidays.

Press For Change Publishing also publishes other non fiction that is specifically aimed at a specialized or niche market. These are the markets under served by traditional publishers and that offer us the most opportunity. We are also seeking submissions in this area. Please see our About page for how to submit to us.

Press For Change Publishing is not like existing publishers. We are part of the new wave of publishing that produces innovative, specialist, high-quality books directly to readers and without the huge distribution overhead facing most traditional publishers. We want to hear from you and we want you to be looking forward to our forthcoming releases. Email us at info@pressforchange.com.